Naela + Alex – The Pink Bride in Puebla, Mexico.

Conozco a Alex desde que tenía algo así como 10 años. Siempre ha sido una de esas personas que es inevitable estimar y querer ser su amigo y le doy gracias a la vida que me haya dado la oportunidad de preservar estos recuerdos de el y Naela para siempre. Gracias por su amistad muchachos, gracias Naela por usar un vestido tan chingón que me hizo inspirarme y gracias por dejarme meterlos entre polvo, semillas y caballos para comparirles un pedacito de mi universo. Muchas gracias!
Un millón de gracias igualmente a mi muy querido amigo Juyá Photographer por venir desde Colombia y acompañarme a hacer esta boda y copartir su talento conmigo. Mil gracias amigo mio!
I know Alex since I was 10 or something like that. He is the kind of guy that has this incredible vibe and you want to be friends with so I’m really greatfule to him and to life for given me the chance to preserve these memories of him and Naela forever. Thanks so much for your friendship guys, thanks so much Naela for wearing such a bad ass dress that inspired me beyond words and thanks for letting me put you among dust, seeds and horses to share with you a little piece of my universe. Thanks a lot!
A million thanks also to my dear friend Juyá Photographer for traveling all the way from Colombia and shooting this wedding with me and sharing his talent with me. Thanks a million my friend!
Juyá’s shot:
Juyá’s shot:
Juyá’s shot:
Juyá’s shot:
Juyá’s shot:
Juyá’s shot:
Juyá’s shot:
Time for Day After magic!
No mames guey!
You just bend my mind.
Que pasada!!! Eres el más talentoso! Es para mi un honor que seas mi maestro y referente! Gracias por la oportunidad de poder acompañarte a esta boda tan especial! Un fuerte abrazo Dani!!! :D
No puedo con tanta belleza! Que trash…… Si yo fuera ella imprimiría todas esas fotos GIGANTES y decoraría toda mi casa con ellas…….. Dany te mando un abrazo.
Siempre magnífico y diferente. Gracias por mostrarnos tu maestría Daniel.
Bufff, me he quedado con la boca abierta!, me encanta Daniel. Creatividad al poder!
Holy s**t Danny, I remember you showing us this wedding in Manchester, it’s even more amazing seeing the finished edit….absolutely mind blowing work, just simply unmatched.
No sé que decir…diga lo que diga me quedaré corto…
Simplemente INCREIBLE! Daniel
WOW!!! This is one amazing set dude!!! Love it…..
you are some kind of wonderful dani!
Increibles fotos! La locacion es muy interestante y aprovecharon muy bien los escenarios y la luz.
Muchas felicidades Naela y Alex!
Mi ojo se quedo brillando.
Mi mente se quedo parada.
brillante y natural, excelente bro!
Unreal man!
GRANDE !… que buen post, estás MUY cabrón…
Qué preciosidad!! Qué bueno que hayaís trabajado juntos Alex y tú, el gran Budani y mi hermanito pequeño Alex!! Qué cantidad de talento junto! Solo hay que mirar las fotos para ver de qué casta estaís hechos!! Bravo!
increíble, precioso!! sin palabras
Sin palabras, maestro.
mind-bending machine!
de los mejores trabajos que he visto en tu portafolio, muchas felicidades Daniel, tienes una vision unica
Woah. Just, woah.
Daniel, ver tu trabajo me estimula a ser cada dia mejor fotografo, gracias.
Increibles fotos! Felicidades! Excelente locacion con luz y sombras.
I have to say…probably one of your best so far. From start to finish..perfect!
Te luciste mi Dany, excelentes fotos!
Increibles, eres una gran fuente de inspiracion Dany!!
Que baaaarbaro!!! había estado esperando esta publicación desde que sacaste el previo.
Son un sueño
Pura magia Daniel!!!!
Tienes una luz increíble, siempre fuente de inspiración amigo.
Nombre Dani, no habia visto este post esta de ensueños Felicidades
Jeeze Dan… that’s beautiful! One of these is definitely gonna end with an award somehow, it’s just too beautiful!
Cuando parece que ya lo has visto todo, que ya no te puedes quedar más boquiabierto, zas!!! El gran Daniel nos la vuelve a jugar… Impresionantes…
Hi Dan – there are some stellar images in this Mexico wedding mate. The world of destination wedding photographers! :-)
You have raised the bar with this set, Daniel. Very special.
good Lord, are these spectacular or what???
Wow, this is just gorgeous. The second-to-last shot with the bride on the ground and the horse looking over is amazing. Beautiful work.
My jaw just dropped when I saw those Day After shots. AMAZING!
Felicidades Daniel, tu fotografía es pura inspiración.
Como siempre impresionante Daniel. Saludos.
Daniel, daniel, daniel… WOOOOW!!!
cuando las imágenes hablan sobran las palabras…
Beyond beautiful, Daniel! It was a real joy to see you once again with your demeanor, always so calm in action, making timeless memories as you seem to effortlessly do! How your work could improve is beyond me but your “arte” IS improving – astoundingly – by the week, by the year! I have been to these horse stables many a time, but you saw their photographic potential for a wedding no less! Bravo! Ale and Naela are doing so well. What memories you have given to them and all of us with these breathtaking photos! Thanks for taking unrushed time to visit and yet accomplish this phenomenal work at the same time. Eye candy! A special thanks for your kindnesses to Marcos! We care for and appreciate “Il Maestro” greatly. Eres fantastico, Daniel. Blessings from all the Aulies, Denise
Beyond beautiful, Daniel! It was a real joy to see you once again with your demeanor, always so calm in action, making timeless memories as you seem to effortlessly do! How your work could improve is beyond me but your “arte” IS improving – astoundingly – by the week, by the year! I have been to these horse stables many a time, but you saw their photographic potential for a wedding no less! Bravo! Ale and Naela are doing so well. What memories you have given to them and all of us with these breathtaking photos! Thanks for taking unrushed time to visit and yet accomplish this phenomenal work at the same time. Eye candy! A special thanks for your kindnesses to Marcos! We care for and appreciate “El Maestro” greatly. Eres fantastico, Daniel. Blessings from all the Aulies, Denise
Beyond beautiful, Daniel! It was a real joy to see you once again with your demeanor, always so calm in action, making timeless memories as you seem to effortlessly do! I have been to these horse stables many a time, but you saw their photographic potential for a wedding no less! Bravo! .What memories you have given to Alex and Naela with these breathtaking photos! Thanks for taking unrushed time to visit and yet accomplish this phenomenal work at the same time. Eye candy! A special thanks for your kindnesses to Marcos! We care for and appreciate “El Maestro” greatly. Eres fantastico, Daniel. Blessings from all the Aulies, Denise
These photos are gorgeous, each one tells a story.
Beautiful, beautiful stuff! Love it!
me deja sin aliento, enhorabuena ;)
awesome, amen…