Marisol + Jorge – The Moon Palace rainy day Wedding

Aún recuerdo las primeras veces que Marisol y yo comenzamos a discutir los detalles de su boda. Recuerdo lo emocionada que se leia en su email y lo mucho que se percibía lo especial que iba a ser para ella el día de su boda. Recuerdo que me comento que su vestido iba a ser un regalo que su mami le enviaba desde el cielo y en resumen, me di cuenta de que ella y Jorge eran una pareja muy especial, con el simple hecho de haber leído unas cuántas líneas de emails, lo sabía.
Entonces, llegó el día de su boda y tuve el gusto de conocerlos en persona y recuerdo haberme siento muy afortunado de poder trabajar con una pareja tan relajada y amable. Para ese entonces yo sabía que su boda iba a estar llena de detalles, que Marisol es una persona extremadamente detalista y que ambos pusieron un esfuerzo enorme para armar su boda a su gusto.
Y asi de repente, como todo en esta vida, las cosas cambiaron. Una tormenta tremenda nos cayó en todo el hotel y toda la boda estaba planeada en exteriores. Yo sabía que Marisol y Jorge tenían muchos detalles planeados y de pronto, los planeas cambiaron. Recuerdo que lo unico que pensé es la gran desilusión que iban a tener, pero sólo basto que Marisol y Jorge tuvieran unos momentos a solas para charlar y regresaron con sus invitados y a su boda con las más magnifica de las sonrisas y la mejor disposición.
Marisol y Jorge son de verdad una pareja muy especial, en los detalles pequeños y en las cosas grandes, en muchas cosas que conocí y aprendí de ellos. Les estoy tremendamente agradecido por haberme dejado contar su historia y más aún por brindarme su amistad. Muchas gracias muchachos!
Tambien quiero darle un GRACIAS enorme a mi amiga y coopiloto de esta boda Kirsten Lewis por aceptar la invitación a trabajar en esta boda conmigo y hacer un trabajo alucinante!. Fue increiblemente divertido y muy inspirador el tener a una miembro de la familia del Foundation Workshop Forum disparando a mi lado. Gracias por todo Kirsten!!
I still remember when Marisol and I started to discuss the details of their wedding day. I remember that on her email, she sounded so excited, she told me about how special this day was, she told me about how special her wedding dress was going to be since it was a git from heaven sent from her mom to her. Overall, I knew she and Jorge, were a very special couple, even just by reading a few lines of emails, I knew it.
Then, their wedding day came and I finally got to meet them in person and I felt really lucky to be working with such a relaxed and cool couple. I knew by then that their wedding was going to be full of details, that Marisol is such a detail oriented person and that they indeed put a lot of effort in putting the whole wedding together.
And then, just like everything in life, things changed. A humongous storm struck the venue and all the wedding was planned to be outdoors, both ceremony and reception. I know that Marisol and Jorge had planned so many details, and that suddenly the plans had to change. I thought ‘Oh boy, they’ll be heartbroken’, but then Marisol and Jorge just had a few moments alone together to talk and they came back to their guests and to their wedding with the most incredible smile and positive vibe.
Marisol and Jorge are indeed a special couple, on the small things, on the big things, on many things I got to know and learn from them and be sure of that. I’m really grateful they trusted me and Kirsten to tell their story and really grateful that I got to meet them as friends. Thanks guys!
I also have to say a very special and huge thanks to my friend and wingman Kirsten Lewis for accepting the invitation to shoot this wedding with me and doing a mind blowing job! It was so much fun and inspiring to shoot with a Foundation Workshop Forum family member! Thanks for everything Kirsten!!!
Venue: Moon Palace
Wedding Dress Design: David Salomon
Guest Photographer: Kirsten Lewis Photographer
We kicked off the day before the wadding with a killer e.session!
Kirsten did magic during Marisol’s getting ready, love this shot by her:
David Salomon’s beautiful creation: Marisol’s dress was designed and crafted using the fabrics from Marisol’s mom wedding dress. A work of art…
Killer shot of Mariol’s profile by Kirsten…
Kirsten’s shot:
So, I decided to have a bit of fun with the ring shot this time, so I took them for a splash :)
Loved how Marisol’s friends kept staring at her dress..
I envy brides and grooms so much during the wedding day, they always get the rockstar treatment!
Kirsten’s shot below, love the beautiful shapes of this whole frame!
Kirsten’s shot:
Killer silhouettes by Kirsten!
Kirsten’s shot:
Adults playing with food by Kirsten:
Marisol has the most perfect profile to photograph…
Kirsten’s magic during the portraits session:
Kirsten’s shot: So big big big clouds started to show up minutes before the ceremony (planned to be at the beach) Some of the groom’s relatives started to play around saying that they have a ‘family curse’…
I just love the intimacy of this shot. A very quiet and private moment from Marisol and Jorge. They had to change the plans on the very last minute because of the weather.
Kirsten’s shot: The ‘family curse’ was that on every wedding from Jorge’s brothers it always rained. Well, it rained on Jorge’s wedding as well…
Yet, Marisol and Jorge had the best attitude. They were just grateful and happy to be on their wedding day. Amazing couple!
The rain finally stopped and they decided to go and have at least their ceremony on the beach. I was extremely excited, my first wedding ceremony on the beach at night!!
This is it, ready to rock…
The ceremony’s mood turned out to be unreal and sublime, here comes the bride…
I loved how Kirsten managed to make the priest look so badass on this shot!
A very emotive ceremony…
Kirsten’s shot:
Kirsten’s shot:
This is why I love weddings so much, no matter what happens on the wedding day, things must go on, and you have to enjoy the moment to the fullest!
I wonder what were the shots made of…
Quite strong!
Kirsten kicking butt on the dance floor!
Kirsten’s shot:
no memessss!!! jajaja!! wey casi lloro !
Holy crap! This is one lucky couple. You and Kirsten make a killer team. One of the best wedding blog posts I’ve ever seen.
OMG! Such amazing and beautiful work! Wow!
Danny! You are one of the few people who bring me back to the Inspiration road.
Hermosa cobertura Dany!
I mean… REALLY?
nice set Daniel!
You guys rock ! Tyler team !
Mr. Daniel, este post es una Master Piece absoluta…y la foto del anillo es alucinante!
Ahhhhh my friend! Talk about killing it, seriously you blow me away. It was SUCH AN HONOR to work with you. I’d do it again in a heartbeat! Much love mi amigo, much love.
MAGO !… una gran historia e increíbles imagenes, es evidente que lo disfrutaste al máximo. Gracias por la inspiración!
BTW, great shots from Kirsten also !
Dani, eres el mejor fotografo de bodas para mi, excelente post, excelente fotografo y excelente amigo
You are insane man, one of your best weddings. Congrats Kirsten, amazing pictures girl.
Awesome mate!~Just perfect!
Dude, freaking awesome wed!
Daniel: muchísimas felicidades por todas y cada una de las fotos, quedaron realmente increíbles!! nunca pierdas esa sencillez como ser humano que te hace aún más admirable y que engrandece tu trabajo.Lo tienes todo para seguir triunfando. Saludos!
Somos la pareja +++ suertuda por haberlos tenido en la boda!!! gracias Dani & Kirsten x su insanidad!! you rock!!!
Saludos Daniel, que chingonas tomas Felicidades
Muy buen reportaje Daniel, enhorabuena.
exelentes fotos como siempre daniel!! =)
Excelente cobertura Daniel!! De primera!
Cada cuadro es excepcional sick eye, gracias por compartir!!!!
La del anillo y la ola es de fantasia!!
Damn,damn,damn! Just awesome!
wowowowow u dont capture photos u make photos, every pic like the best storytelling just in some frames!! wow!
i was turned onto your work by kirsten and HOLY COW!! i’m entranced by every image. you two make a fabulous team! such stunning, stunning work.