Caro + Chema – The Wedding in Akiin Tulum

Me agendaron de último minuto. Yo pensé que sería casi imposible cubrir esta boda por lo complicado de las fechas y la agenda, pero en la llamada de Caro escuché un interés geniuno y enorme porque pudiera estar en su boda. No pude decir que no, fué todo un honor escuchar a alguien que tuviera tantas ganas de que fuera su fotógrafo. Las cosas se resolvieron en cuestión de una semana o poco menos y de ahí a hacer clicks con Caro y Chema, una pareja increíble a la que les estaré eternamente agradecido por todas sus atenciones durante ese fin de semana, gracias por tratarme como si fuera de su familia, mil gracias! Su boda, emotiva, bella, divertida, genial…
Gracias a mis amigos Christian Pinto de Mediamorfosis y su crew por su increible trabajo en video, por toda su ayuda y su amistad y al buen William Sanchez por su super trabajo como 2nd Shooter en esta boda. Un abrazo fuerte!
I was booked in the last minute. I thought it was going to be almost impossible for me to cover this wedding because my schedule and timing was tight that weekend but after Caro called me asking me to do all possible to work on her wedding I just couldn’t say no. It was a great honor to hear someone so genuinely interested in having me as her photographer and I just couldn’t resist.Things worked out just fine in a matter of days and then I had the pleasure to go to Tulum for Caro and Chema’s wedding, a beautiful couple that treated me like family, thank you so much guys! Their wedding was emotive, fun and beautiful, it was a great weekend…
Many thanks also to my friends Christian Pinto and his Mediamorfosis crew for doing an outstanding job with the video and being so helpful and to my friend William Sanchez who did a remarkable job as my second shooter. Thanks my friends!
Hotel: Blue Tulum
Venue: Ak’inn Tulum
Video: Mediamorfosis
William’s shot below:
William’s shot:
William’s shot:
William’s shot:
William’s shot:
I felt as this was the most beautiful moment of the wedding. Caro and Chema’s vows were so strong and moving.
William’s shot:
Caro’s veil was so stunning and I was so stubborn to make a nice portrait with it. She was kind enough to pose again right before the party started at night! Thanks for your patience Caro, it paid off!!!
Looking at some good moments from the past and from their dating days…
William’s shot:
I love the lovers in the background
beauty bro! amazing moments and awesome veil portrait!
Muy buen trabajo Daniel . El retrato de ella del velo…espectacular.
Great set!! the veil shot is awsome!
wow Daniel !!!!!!!!!, te mandaste maestro.
and this is why I’m your fan #1!
great veil shot !
Estas bien trastornado man
Están super es mi boda favorita
Diria Fer, estas enfermo!!!!!! Felicidades estan padrisimas
Uts Dani, no words… Este post está insane. Los moments y la luz están de alucine…
Parabéns Daniel!!
Que buenos clicks!
Me impresiona la manera que tienes de componer y captar los momentos mas importantes de la boda.
Excelentes clicks bro, me embolo la del velo y la de la mona con el fuego…. maestro!
grandes shots !!!…. Master !
felicidaes daniel que fotos tan espectaculares, un abrazo
que barbaro!!! te volaste la barda!!! estan EXPECTACULARES!!!!!
What wonderful images, Daniel! Bravo!
Que barbaro Dani, excelentes todass!!
Unreal!! I LOVE these and that fire dancer shot with the newlyweds in the loop is just amazing
Very impressive! I LOVE your work.