Being a Tourist in New Orleans

Ya había olvidado lo gratificante y relajante que es ver un lugar con ojos de turista. Tomar fotos de lugares nuevos fué uno de los motivos por los que me volví fotógrafo en primera instancia. Este fin de semana pasado me tomé la libertad de sentir esa magia nuevamente, ser turista, volver a esta ciudad que tiene tanta magia y traer algo nuevo de ella. Aquí comparto 4 clicks.
I think I had already forgotten how gratifying is to see a city as a tourist. I believe that taking photos as a tourist was one of the reasons for which I decided to become a photographer. This past weekend I took the liberty of feeling that magic again, being a tourist, going back to this marvelous city and trying to bring back something new from it. Here I share 4 clicks.
Great pics Dani!! It’s so refreshing visiting a new place :D
Super, esa última esta de locos! continuamos el viaje….U QUEEEEE!!!??? ;)
Very nice…
Cool Dany, #3 is great
These are awesome daniel! New Orleans is beautiful, glad you had fun.
pic 3 is so cool bro.
green shutters with smoking girl is the one…nice find.
Freaking good Dany
Que buen ojo!!!….los colores estan impresionantes men!!!..buena vibra!
Pinche ojo tan enfermo canijo mamaste en la tres!
These are awesome daniel! New Orleans is beautiful, glad you had fun.
carajo, yo quiero vivir en un lugar así. buenísimas mi ñaño.