Andrea + Clay – The Wedding, Tulum, Mex.

Pocos lugares en el mundo tienen tanta belleza como Tulum, el paraíso donde Andrea y Clay tuvieron una boda única. Entre rituales mayas, un mar turquesa y la super vibra de todos los invitados de Andrea y Clay, tuve la oprotunidad de presenciar una ceremonia, emotiva, bella y alegre. Gracias Andrea y Clay por todo! Igualmente les agradezco a Fabiola y Erika de Todo Tulum por toda la ayuda en todo momento. Futuras novias, si planean una boda en Tulum, a ellas hay que acudir! Gracias a los hoteles Luna Maya y Dreams Tulum por la hospitalidad.
Very few places in the planet are as beautiful as Tulum, the paradise where Andrea and Clay had a very unique wedding. I had the chance to enjoy a wedding full of cool vibe, emotion, joy, Mayan rituals and an amazing turquoise sea. Thank you so much Andrea and Clay for everything! Also thanks a lot to Fabiola and Erika from Todo Tulum for all their help at any time during the wedding! Future brides, if you are planing a wedding in Tulum they are the gals to contact! Thanks to the hotels Luna Maya and Dreams Tulum for their hospitality.
great use of color, loving the crazy tilts.
Great couple, location and of course a great photographer
Beautiful wedding and great coverage.
Outstanding series my friend, awesome pics, congrats!
Awesome pics men!
Thanks a lot guys! Sorry for the late response :)
meramente bello don dany !!! me encanta lo natural y el sharp !!!
Fascinante! me encanto la del coral!!!! man masterizacion total!